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Maealth is an innovative health tech startup under, focused on using information and communication technology to develop low-cost healthcare solutions that address health problems/shortcomings unique to individuals and health institutions of our community, Cameroon and developing nations as a whole. Maealth solutions come in the form of software tools and services that have been proven to save lives and improve/develop healthcare systems or structures. For now, we have developed proven solutions that address issues of: - High patient noncompliance rates to medication regimens and hospital visits or appointments.- High infant/maternal mortality rates- Low doctor per patient ratios- Shortage of human resources and the lack of access to health services in rural areas and areas that are termed “hard to reach”.- Poor access to information on prevention practices and health lifestyles.- Poor access to information on vaccination and associated campaigns.- A lack of capacity for training sufficient numbers of doctors and nurses.- Duplication of diagnostic tests- Lack of coordination between players in the healthcare sector.- Poor management, access and storage of patient charts, hospital records, health personnel employment files and data through paper work.

Seattle Angel Conference to win funding for your startup or learn how to angel invest logo
Seattle Angel Conference is a program to learn how to angel invest and for startup companies seeking funding. Seattle Angel Conference is a program of Mossy Ventures.
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