Seattle Angel Conference to win funding for your startup or learn how to angel invest logo

About the Seattle Angel Conference

More Angel Investors

About 10% of our community are "Accredited" by Federal law, however, most don't invest. The Angel Conference provides a "learning by doing" pathway for doing the first Angel Investment.

To be "Accredited", you need a net worth over $1M or you need an annual income over $200K. Many in our tech community are accredited, but don't know it.

By having more Angel Investors, we are able to accelerate the early stage startups that drive the next economy.

Better Angel Investors
By working together as a group, we learn about habits and techniques that make Angel Investors more effective. With a research-based process, we help new Angels explore Company Selection, Due Diligence, and Porfolio Construction.

For the vast majority of Accredited Investors, group based investing is an effect approach to this asset class.

Stronger Startups
Every participating startup gets a review of their company and the opportunity for feedback. As Angel Investors ask harder and harder questions, the company materials and narrative becomes more robust. In addition, companies get introduced to dozens and dozens of active Angel Investors. Finding a investor champion among these investors is a great win for participating companies.
Xemelgo SAC 16 winner

About the Seattle Angel Conference Program

Seattle Angel Conference is an investment program formed to:

- invite new investors to dip their toes in the investing world
- help startups seek funding, 
- and grow the Seattle startup community. 

Conferences are held twice a year!
--3 months of weekly meetings to learn what makes a good company, a strong founder and an investable company.
--educational workshops for startups and investors to learn more about running businesses, pitching for investment, and the mechanics of investing. 

This is a perfect springboard to meet investors and refine your investment thesis.

It is also an opportunity as a founder to fine-tune your pitch. And offers a chance to win up to a $200k investment!

Current conference info & deadlines
Xemelgo SAC 16 winner

The Program

Dots describing the process of Seattle Angel Conference investment program.
Group of new and experienced investors...
The investment program path of the Seattle Angel Conference.
...go through a structured process of angel investing...
These are the footsteps in the investment path of the Seattle Angel Conference company selection, due diligence, etc. steps
Words describing the investment process at the Seattle Angel Conference. make a group investment, and learn by doing.
Across the 3 months, new angel investors go through a structured process, where they evaluate companies, determine their investment thesis, and then make a group angel investment.

Activities include company selection, due diligence, portfolio construction, deal terms, deal-flow set-up, and introductions to the local investor and startup communities. They discuss and debate, and by doing they learn.

The program runs from February to May, on a hybrid (online + offline) model. It is virtual, on Seattle Pacific Time.  20-40 participating investors evaluate 60 participating startups, for "Learning-by-doing" practice in Angel Investing.
60+ startups
Hybrid Model
3 months
conquer experience wins SAC

Our goal is stronger startups and more informed investors by providing educational resources for investors and startup founders.

Early startup founders are still building a bedrock of competencies and business fundamentals. The first steps in our program are dedicated to assisting in this. Our Workshops are free, virtual, and recorded for your convenience.

View upcoming workshopsView previous workshop recordings

Learn more about participating


Learn about participating in the Seattle Angel Conference as an investor. Find out if you qualify as an accredited investor, learn how the conference works, and submit an interest form.

Find out more


Learn about participating in the Seattle Angel Conference as a company seeking funding.
- Chance to get $100-200k investment
- Get reviewed by 10+ investors
- Get 1 hour of personalized feedback
- Be invited to the final event
- Personally meet 20-40 investors
- meet other investors of the ecosystem.

Find out more

Our Sponsors

We would not be able to run this program without the help of our sponsors.

How does one "learn by doing"? About our methods.

Enter your company in the Seattle Angel Conference to win funding for your startup

Hands on Training for Investors

We run workshops for investors to understand
the requirements to conduct due diligence on a company.
The investors then conduct this due diligence.

Learn more about angel investing

Real-World Experience

Company applications are the real world examples for our investors to analyze. The investors study the applications to identify which companies demonstrate strengths to make them successful. Through active discussions, the investors select finalists which are showcased at a final demo day. The winning company receives a $200,000* of pooled investment funds. *Actual amount invested depends on the total dollars raised.

SAC XV iii winner
Seattle Angel Conference program for angel investing and startup funding in Seattle, WA

Experienced Investors share their expertise

We have an experienced program team which uses a proven-and-replicated methodology.

Combining experienced and new investors encourages accelerated knowledge flow.

Our speakers are active participants in Angel Investing and the Startup Ecosystem

Lessons they share come from their engagement in building successful startups, negotiating initial funding arrangements, and completing transactional events.

John Sechrest attending an investment conference event

Join our Health Angel Conference

Learning by Doing

Test your muscles.

Explanation Videos

Learn individually and in a group.

Expert Speakers

Learn from those that have learned, perhaps fallen, and moved forward.

Live Streaming

Ask your questions in real time in multiple medias.

One On One Training

Get your specific questions answered.

Q&A Sessions

Ask the easy and the difficult questions. No one has all the answers but collectively we learn.

Join as a startup
Seattle Angel Conference to win funding for your startup or learn how to angel invest logo
Seattle Angel Conference is a program to learn how to angel invest and for startup companies seeking funding. Seattle Angel Conference is a program of Mossy Ventures.
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